Here are some of the things that kept us busy this summer...
I taught a couple of weekly music class at our house each Thursday.
First, a "baby class" for SJ and her friends...

Then a "big kid" class for Clara and her friends...

I played in a doubles tennis league with my friend, Andrea. We didn't DO great, but we DID have a great time!

Here are some photos from some other events/field trips:
Volvo Family Day at Bur-Mill park:

(Do we look hot? Because it was, and we were!)
A trip to the dairy farm:

Afterwards, Clara made up a song about it. It went a little something like this,
"Dairy Farm- Dairy Farm- Dairy Farm- PLLLAH (a rasberry)"
(Do-me-sol, Fa-re-ti, Do-me-sol)
A visit to the butterfly farm:

Here is a picture Clara drew, afterwards. I can see Clara holding a butterfly and she is surrounded by little rocks (the butterfly pavilion had a gravel floor).