Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Jul 29, 2014

Baby S turns 2

What a sweet and beautiful girl we have!  She is calm, careful (I didn't know they made children that way!), and good-natured.   She loves to talk and to repeat everything we say.  Her first sentince was uttered when she encountered a scooter lying across the sidewalk.  "Oh no, a bike!"  Like most everything she does, we thought it was adorable. 

She got a little people stable set for her birthday... it was and is a big hit with all of the girls.

Jul 21, 2014

G&G- quick airport visit

We had a layover in Denver and Greg's grandparents (age 95) came to see us.  Silvie and Grandpa Great bonded over goldfish crackers.  We love this amazing couple and are grateful for their examples of love and service.