Clara's favorite ride at the carnival we went to a couple of weeks ago was the bumper cars. Recently I noticed a bump on her palm and told Greg about it. He asked to see the bump on her hand. A little while later she said, "Mommy, I have a bumper car on my hand."
We went to a festival that had one of those big air-filled slides. Clara loved riding it and had to wait in line each time. Greg was trying to teach her to move with the line, so when she would get distracted and the line would move in front of her and leave a big gap, her turned her around by turning her hips forwards. A few minutes later, he saw her putting her hands on the hips of the big girls in front of her (age 7 or 8... strangers, I might add) and trying to turn them towards the front.
The song "I Love to See the Temple" has a line- "I'll prepare myself while I am young." Clara sings "I'll prepare myself while num num num" (the pitch and rhythm are perfect, which makes this sound even more funny).
I want to sit by you + let's sit together = "Mommy let's sit bygether"
While camping last weekend, we tried to get Clara to have a nap/quiet time in the tent. Our tent has this funny little door on the back (a doggy door, perhaps?). Clara was a little too quiet and we knew she was up to something... escaping.

Clara labels every living thing as a Mommy (when it is a female adult) , a Daddy (male adult), or a Clara (when it is a child). We pointed out a baby deer to her, and she said, "It's a Clara deer."
Clara's Favorite Things:
-Climbing trees

-Drawing - she especially loves to draw people. Here is her chalkboard , where she has drawn/erased/drawn again/earased again hundreds of people. She told me, "Mommy these are all my friends!"

-"Art projects," including "pointing" (painting), rubber stamps, and anything with markers.
-Clifford has replaced Super Why as her TV show of choice.
Favorite Phrases:
-"I just wanna... for a widdel (little) bit" (usually when I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do). "Mommy I don't wanna wash my hands, I just wanna cowa (color) for a widdel bit."
-"Yaaa!" Used almost anytime anyone askes her a ... she sounds quite German.
Favorite Book: Goodnight Gorilla
Favorite treats: yogurt, string cheese, pizza
Favorite song to sing: I Will (If you don't walk as most people do... from the Primary songbook)
Clara is such a doll. I love that she was caught while trying to escape the tent!
Clara looks so old! She is adorable. Her big brown eyes look just like you, and her nose and mouth just like Greg. What a good combination. She sounds hilarious. I especially like the skeletons holding hands. That cracks me up.
I (Poppy) sure thinks she looks like her Mommy used to look at that age.
Hi, Nicolle!
My sister found your blog through Natalie's. It's been so long! I remember getting your wedding announcement. So much has happened since then. Your family is adorable! I searched your blog and found that you live in North Carolina. My husband and I live in South Carolina. We have a three year old little girl as well. I'd love to catch up! My email is amyleabarry@gmail.com. Are you in touch with any other "Overmeyer Weiners"?
So glad I found you.
Amy (Johnston) Barry
i laughed out loud about the hand holding! and love the big chalkboard for her to color on. and all the hundreds of people that have been drawn and erased!
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