Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Jul 22, 2011

5 on Friday

1.  Greg started a new weight loss blog... check in every now and then and leave him an encouraging (or taunting) comment. 

2.  We went swimming at the gym as a family on Friday night.  The girls were giddy with excitement the entire time.  Maybe we'll try it again, this week.  It is a great way to tire them out.

3.  Last Saturday night Greg and I had a date night to hear Andre Watts (pianist) at the Eastern Music Festival.  A great concert!

4. We've been going to Music for a Sunday Evening in the Park on Sunday nights.  Greg and I enjoy listening to the music and being outdoors.  The girls mostly just like petting/chasing/hugging any and every dog that comes near.  Friends:  Let us know if you want to join us one of these times.

5.  Black Eyed Susan's- I planted these the first year we moved to our house.  This is their best looking year, yet.  I think it is the only plant that I have planted that has survived, so maybe that explains my pride in this small patch of flowers.  

Jul 15, 2011

5 Wednesday night yoga details

Greg goes straight to church after work on Wednesday nights, so it is just us girls.  We are lucky to have a gym that allows our fun Wednesday night tradition.  After an early dinner, we head out the door.

1st step:  Corral the girls into the car (this usually involves several patient requests of "shoe time" and "head out the door" and "please let me close the door" and "leave the rocks on the ground" etc., etc., followed by one not-so-patient "get in your seats!" and is topped off by wrestling SJ into the buckles on her car seat).

don't let the smile fool you... she hates being strapped into her seat

2.  C "closes her eyes" on the ride there, and after "waking her up when we get there" I get to take an invigorating Yoga class while the girls have a great time at "the little gym."

3.  We stop at the fish tank (in the gym lobby) on the way out to play peek-a-boo with the fishes

4.  Then we crank up the Kindermusik on the stereo for the drive home

5.  Bedtime routine:  a shower in "mommy's shower" for the girls, brush teeth, "mouthfloss" (what C calls mouthwash and floss), read scriptures, pray, sing to SJ (Goodnight, moonlight ladies- James Taylor), sing to C (True Love- Cole Porter), snuggle time with C (talk about what good things happened that day). 

Not too shabby for a night missing Daddy

Jul 14, 2011

Old Friends

It takes a long time to grow and old friend- John Leonard

While in Atlanta, I met up with some old friends, who live there. 
They are both about 6 months pregnant and cute as can be.

Me, Marin, Jamie

I met Marin at a summer basketball practice before the start of our Freshman year... we spent the next 3 years running our hearts out at practice, playing JV, and riding the Varsity bench together. 

May 1994:
front, center:  Nicolle, Marin

I met Jamie on the first days of Middle School in homeroom.  I was immediately drawn to her fun, hilarious personality and we became fast friends. 

Girls Camp 1992
Jamie:  to the right of the slide/tunnel
Nicolle: front person in the slide/tunnel
It was great to catch up with them! 

Jul 9, 2011


We got to spend a few days just outside of Atlanta with Greg's two brothers and their families.  Greg likes to call it the "anti-coven retreat." 
We spent the first two days at the lake. 

SJ driving the boat
The Dads and cousins ready to set out on the boat... LtoR, Jeff, Greg, Clara, SJ, Ella, Jackson, Kate, Carter
Notice Clara's frightened face and Greg's bored face as he motions for the driver to slow down...
Clara, Brian, Ella

All of the cousins!

We spent one day in downtown Atlanta.  
Coke museum:

Miniature golf:

Olympic Park

 A very fun trip!

Jul 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!