Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Feb 8, 2012


Overheard, this morning:
C:  "My tummy hurts because Mommy made me eat 3 cookies and 2 lollipops last night."
Greg:  HAhahahha!  That can't be true!
C:  I tried to tell the truth but it wouldn't come out

(shouted from the other room)
SJ:  "C!  Stop whining!  It hurts my ears!"

Also keeping us busy, today:  Playing dress-up and making Valentines.  SJ has 12 classmates and C 18... this makes for a lot of work!


My Everythings said...

Hahaha!That is too funny. :)
SJ's Valentine's are ADORABLE!!! What a cute idea.

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh SJ is hilarious! I wonder where she heard that before! Also those cards are too cute! What a great idea. Might have to steal that next year!

Anonymous said...

love the valentines, great idea. Love the comments by your kids so funny

diannealexan@gmail.com said...

Is SJ wearing the Annie dress?

carrie said...

Hilarious conversation to overhear!

And I love those Valentine cards - so clever!