Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Feb 29, 2012

Signs of Life

It has been a rough 3 months.  I am at week 19 1/2 and am starting to have moments where I feel like myself. 

1st:  Came out of the constant fog of naseau long enough to notice the dirty/disorganized state of my house.

2nd:  Walked past the cheetos at the grocery store and thought "Eww"- even though there have been several days in the past 3 months that snack foods like those were all I could force myself to eat.

3rd:  Made dinner for my family AND ate an adult size portion.

Thanks to everyone who has offered help and support.  We feel so blessed to be able to have baby #3 on the way!  C is building beds in her room so "the newborn baby can sleep with me".  "Mom, you can't take care of two babies, so you just take care of SJ and I'll take care of the newborn baby."  Its really fun to have a child old enough to understand what is coming and get so excited!

P.S.  Drumroll, please: it is a...               


We celebrated with pink lemondade. 


Anonymous said...

glad you are starting to feel better. Hope the next 20 weeks goes smooth and fast for you. Love C making beds in her room. so cute.

Kari said...

Hurray for you guys! I am so glad that you are feeling better! Can't wait to meet her sometime!

The "D" Family said...

Yippee! Hooray for girls! I am so glad you are feeling better. I think about you all the time, but never see you! Keep on hanging on!

Natalie said...

YAY! That is awesome! Glad to also hear that you are feeling better. And yes, if you want to name this one Natalie, you can :).

Mackenzie said...

Congratulations! I am about to have our third boy and I had a rough pregnancy as well. I hope you feel better soon. And I hope the last half is easy! xoxo

My Everythings said...

You look BEAUTIFUL! I love your outfit. I am so excited for your third adorable girl to arrive. :)
And I second Natalie on the name idea.

shelley said...

s said the pink lemonade was "bubbly." :) that's her description of things that are tangy, but i liked it as a future description of girl #3.

i'm so excited for you to have another girl. the world needs one more virtuous young lady.

Andrea said...

Congrats, you guys!! I know Clara was hoping for a boy...hope she's OK with another little sis. :)

Anonymous said...

It must be in the water on our street:). Congrats!!!


Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Congrats! We are so excited for your family!! C will be such a good big sister!!! Feel better, get your rest and if you need anything let me know!!! --Jamie