Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Jul 26, 2007

Eating some cereal

Clara is starting to learn to eat solid foods. Here are some photos from one of her first attempts.

First, she played with the farm animal toys on her high chair.

After... what a messy girl!


Natalie said...

Look at Clara smiling for the camera. What a photogenic baby! Get that girl into show biz!

Anonymous said...

What cute huge eyes she has!!


andrea said...

I'm so glad the cereal thing is going well and that she enjoys it. She looks like SUCH a big girl in the "before" pic.

shelley said...

Look at these cereal eating babies! Love her "O" shaped mouth in the after - much like the sugar-free "O" shaped cereal she will be eating later. :)

Shannon said...

Nicolle - I happened upon your blog from the link on my sister's blog and I couldn't help but notice that the high chair Clara is sitting in is the exact high chair I am registered for. So, I was wondering if you could tell me what you think of it. Now that you have used it, would you recommend it? Thanks!