Now that I have completed the monstrous grant application that was due today, I can catch up on the rest of my life... including our blog!
Last weekend, we went to Nashville to visit my (Nicolle's) family. We drove out on a Wednesday night, thinking Clara would fall asleep at 8pm and stay asleep for most of the trip. Well (that's for you, Trin) here she is outside a gas station at 12:30am, after being awake for the last 3 hours. We're glad nobody called CPS on us, but we did get some strange looks while we were letting our 14 month old baby run around a convenience store in the middle of the night.

She had lots of fun playing with her younger cousin, Colton, who is 8 months old. He made a great rocking horse.

We were also able to visit some friends. I didn't get photos of Lindsey Purifoy and Greg Dibb, but here is a photo of Sharalee and I with our girls, who were playing dress-up.

We got home on Saturday night, and the next Friday we went camping with our church group. It was Clara's first camping trip... she did great! We "practiced" by setting up the tent in our living room and letting her play in it with a flashlight. She slept great, but even though she is little she took up lots of space in the tent, so her mom and dad didn't sleep much. I think its time we look for a bigger tent.

I love that picture of Clara outside the convinece store. And I can't believe you all slept in such a small tent! How did you fit?
We have tried the night driving many times. sometimes the kids sleep sometimes they are wide awake. They never seem to stick to the plan we have set for them. Love the photo with the bananna.
Cute! I need to blog my pictures of the girls too! It was so great to visit with you, I am so glad you were able to come by. Hopefully we'll see each other again soon.
Camping is fun, whether in you front room, or getting outside. The RDMP F&S/P.C. campout is on this weekend & I just bought us a new 6-man tent for it! We're both so stoked to finally have a 'family' tent, and believe me it is sweet. I'll try to remember to take a'll be MilaBelle's 1st campout (I'm taking both kids to give Leah a break & have girls night w/no kid worries).
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