Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Jul 9, 2011


We got to spend a few days just outside of Atlanta with Greg's two brothers and their families.  Greg likes to call it the "anti-coven retreat." 
We spent the first two days at the lake. 

SJ driving the boat
The Dads and cousins ready to set out on the boat... LtoR, Jeff, Greg, Clara, SJ, Ella, Jackson, Kate, Carter
Notice Clara's frightened face and Greg's bored face as he motions for the driver to slow down...
Clara, Brian, Ella

All of the cousins!

We spent one day in downtown Atlanta.  
Coke museum:

Miniature golf:

Olympic Park

 A very fun trip!


Kari said...

How fun for the 3 brothers to get together and for the cousins too! Hope you guys survived the heat!

Anonymous said...

how fun is that! glad you all got together. I thought Greg put a T in coven because of the tyranny of the sisters?

Natalie said...

Looks like a fun trip! And thanks for letting Finley crash your pew today.

Evelyn said...

Looks like fun. We were in Atlanta in March. We went to the Aquarium and the Olympic Park. We loved it. By the way, did you know that we moved to Ft. Campbell, KY? We go down to Nashville quite often. I always think of you when we're there. If you ever visit Nashville let me know!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Wish we lived closer or that flights were cheap once again!

A Mormon Mommy said...

My kids love Bi-Centennial park! So much fun! Glad you guys had a blast in Hotlanta!

diannealexan@gmail.com said...

Looks like a party! Makes me miss you even more. We're missing all the fun.