A Mommy/Clara date...
We braved the snow a couple of Saturdays ago and went to a performance of The Nutcracker.

We were invited by Clara's friend, Hannah, and her Mom. Before the ballet, we got to meet all of the characters. This is Clara meeting "the other Clara." All during the ballet she kept telling me, "The other Clara is twirling, the other Clara is sad, the other Clara is sleeping, the other Clara..."

The performers signed little autograph cards for the kids. Clara had no idea what this meant, but she saw everyone else doing it and joined right in. When the curtain came up at the start of the show, she was VERY excited to tell me that all of those princesses had signed her card! So excited, in fact, that she was shouting. Her little friend told her to "BE QUIET, CLARA."

Then they watched with mouths wide open for the entire performance. Except for the moments when they couldn't contain themselves and stood in front of their chairs to dance like ballerinas. Very fun.