Three Things I Love:
1. Greg
2. Clara
3. to eat
Three Things I Hate:
1. my neighbors' barking dogs
2. grimy hotel rooms
3. airport/airplane delays
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Greg
2. Jonathan & Lewis (college friends)
3. neurotic female TV characters (Karen from Will & Grace, Joy from My name is Earl, Elaine from Seinfeld and in her new show...Chitstine from the new adventures of old Christine).
Three things that scare me:
1. Rats
2. Birds
3. Bats
Three Things I Don't Understand:
1. anything mechanical
2. puzzles
3. people
Three Things On My Desk:
1. concert tickets
2. bills
3. a plant that almost always looks like it is dying
Three Things I Plan To Do Today:
1. practice singing... learn new music
2. work (prepare for tomorrow night's concert)
3. kiss Clara
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. rafting trip down Colorado River
2. become more charitable
3. Have more children
Three Things I Can Do:
1. sleep... anytime, anywhere
2. sing
3. try out new recipies
Three Things I Can't Do:
1. go a day without running into something (I am a clutz!)
2. be patient in airports
3. beat anyone at "SingStar"...maybe I should remove "sing" from the list of things I can do!
Three Things I Miss:
1. being in school
2. Real Mexican food (Chevys)
3. friends who are far away
Three Things I'd Like to Learn:
1. How to speak a foreign language fluently (French, German, or Italian)
2. How to garden (vegetables, flowers, plants)
3. How to be more compassionate
Three Things I Regret:
1. rejecting Greg the first time he tried to get my phone number :)
2. living in a "Brentwood bubble" during high school
3. Not taking more advantage of Nashville while I lived there for so many years
Three Favorite Foods:
1. chocolate
2. Italian
3. chocolate (I really like it, okay)
Three Favorite TV Shows as a Kid:
1. Gummi Bears
2. Grease (I know it isn't a TV show, but I used to watch it every day after school!)
3. The Cosby Show
Three People I Tag
1. Mike. Leah, or Hendrix Britt
2. Janell (you know you love these things!)
3. anyone who reads this blog and wants to participate!