-a sign that said "no spitting: it causes diseases"
-the power goes off hourly
"Heeewwo?" (Hello, for all of you that don't speak Clara's language)
Green tomatoes in the trunk of her car
... in the drink holder of a lawn chair
...and green peppers on the ledge of our porch.
7/20/08: Clara likes to sing... she makes up songs and the syllables are always "baaa-dooo-wa" or some combination like that.
7/23/08: Clara talks in her sleep. Today, Greg was leaving for a business trip at 3am and heard her softly and sweetly saying, "Mommmmy, Da-Da, Mommmmy, Da-da" while fully asleep.
7/25/08- Clara has started calling me "Mommina"- I have no idea why... doesn't it mean "little mother" in Italian? Maybe she picked up a few words in utero while we were in Italy.
7/29/08: She is getting more mischevious as she gets older. Today she found a loose piece of molding in our dining room and played with it. I asked her not to and I put it back. Fast forward 5 minutes... Clara noticed I was busy doing something, so she sneakily ran back to the dining room and pulled it down, again. When I followed her, she dropped the molding and ran. When I picked it up she shrugged her shoulders and said "Oh No"- (How did that happen, Mom?!?)
8/4/08: Clara LOVES to jump. Today when I left the room after putting her down for a nap she was jumping in her crib... she loves that bouncy mattress. I peaked in and she was so tired that her eyes were halfway closed, but she was saying "jump, jump, jump" and jumping as fast as she could (probably to keep herself awake). She would dive down face first to lie down and take a little break, then jump up and start over again... "jump, jump, jump."
8/7/08: She loves talking to her Daddy on the phone... here is their typical conversation.
8/15/08: We've been watching the women's gymnastics on the Olympics. Clara tried to copy some of their moves, and would hold her arms up like they do at the end of a routine. She even tried going down into the splits.
It makes me wish John Tesh was still doing the olympics.