Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Apr 8, 2011

5 on Friday

1. Greg and I got the stomach flu.
2. Huge storm on Monday night which left us without power until Tuesday afternoon.
3. Had out of town guests. (#1 + #2 = bad combination with #3)
4. Got our deck stained (love how it looks and especially love that we didn't have to spend every Saturday for several weeks working on it).
5. Loved General Conference. Especially this message, with practical parenting advice. Can I get it imprinted on my right forearm, please?


Natalie said...

I am so sorry you were sick! Is everyone better now? Do you need anything? You know all you have to do is call!

Anonymous said...

I am with you on the conference talk! That talk should be memorized by all parents.