Thanks to all who submitted their responses and admitted to the crazy things they did, or heard of others doing. It has answered a lot of questions that I have always wondered about some of you, but never had the guts to ask. Unfortunately, too often when I was reading about what you had done, I would nod my head and remember doing that very thing.
And the winner of the ”How did I survive to be 21” contest is….
Chuck Knobel. Anyone that played with mercury is living on the edge. Between the second hand smoke and the mercury, I would assume you would look like this:

Enjoy your victory, you can go home and tell your wife that you need to be pampered because of the dangerous activities that were thrust upon you in your childhood. And if she ever asks why you did not do something you were asked, just blame the mercury.
Runner up prize – Suzanne aka “Ten Second Tom”, your paint chips comment was great. I could not proclaim you the winner, because you would not have remembered long enough to enjoy the victory. If it makes you feel any better, I will tell you that you won, because by the time you have reached here, you have forgotten about that Chuck guy.
The All too Real Prize – Andrea, I can tell you from personal experience how fast a wild fire can spread. No matter how hard you work, or how many times you carry a plastic garbage can filled with water to put the fire out, that fire will grow and only professional firefighters can put out a fire of that size. (The police removed that from my record when I turned 16)
Fear of Mom Prize – Kari, I understand that Kathy Sherwood has had nicknames such as “Sergeant Sherwood” and “General Sherwood”, but I never really felt as if serious danger could come from her. You may have wanted to combine some ideas together to make truly dangerous actions, maybe like standing up on the seat of the tractor as it went by the back kitchen window, and then trying to have it jump the pool. That would have really gotten you some points.
Terrell Davis Prize – Ron, You only offered one, but it was a great one. Just like that debates that surround Terrell Davis getting into the Football hall of fame... yes he had 3 great seasons, but he needed more.
The KG Prize – Andrew, When I hear the 15 foot Nerf hoop one, I just think about the Nike commercial when Kevin Garnett is standing on a platform diving board. KG is telling the people at his camp that they need to learn how to get air. He then has them alleyoopping 30 feet above the ground.
The World is full of Stupid People Prize – Jeff , You get this one, because it goes to show that when you get a bunch of boys together; regardless if it is Baghdad or Victor, NY, they will always try to jump their bikes into a pool. Your cow one was as Dad put it, “The best medicine we could get.”
The “I Hope you don’t bring me Flowers” Prize – Kris, I wonder about you. Most kids are scared of a cemetery; they don’t bring things home from them to display in the front yard.
Thanks to all who commented, my next contest will be posted on Wednesday Dec 13th.