Our Savior's love, shines like the sun with perfect light. As from above, it breaks through clouds of strife.

Aug 28, 2011

A Graduation Party


for our favorite guy...
Greg Sherwood, MBA (shouldn't he be wearing a suit?)

SJ helping set up

Way to go, Greg.  He won't admit it, but going to graduate school while supporting a family, holding down a demanding full time job, and a busy calling (volunteer position) at church is remarkable.  All while still making lots of time for his family and without borrowing any money or showing us his stress.  We sure love and appreciate him.   


Kari said...

We wish that we could have been there to celebrate! Way to go Greg!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Greg and way to go Nicolle and Girls! we are very envious of 1. Greg being done and 2. him not borrowing any money.

Natalie said...

Congrats Greg! You rock. Life should be a piece of cake from here on out right?

Jill said...

Congrats Master Greg! We know how hard you have worked to earn this degree. Congrats to the rest of the family for all of your support while Greg went to school - not easy, but definitely worth it!

Anonymous said...

Great job Greg. Love the decorating ideas Nicolle!

Andrea said...

You did such a great job with this party, Nicolle. So fun. And as soon as Greg finished and you thought you were going to have more time, you got your new responsibilities at church to quickly fill that void. :)